April 13, 2022

p36 supports Förderverein der Kitas in Neuenstein e.V.


Bad Hersfeld – April 13, 2022

Last week, the official handover of the shirts to the Förderverein der Kitas in Neuenstein e.V. took place at the p36 office. The handover took place as part of a donation by p36 to support the Förderverein in its work.

The Förderverein der Kitas in Neuenstein e.V. was founded in September 2020 by parents of the kindergartens Regenbogen in Untergeis and Sonnenschein in Raboldshausen in the district of Bad Hersfeld-Rotenburg to support them with various activities. The non-profit association is financed by membership fees and donations and has the purpose of promoting the ideal, material and financial equipment of the kindergartens Regenbogen in Untergeis and Sonnenschein in Raboldshausen.

Last year, the association already supported the kindergartens with various projects.

Due to p36’s local ties, the company regularly supports charitable associations and projects with donations in the area around Bad Hersfeld. As part of this donation, the Förderverein and p36 jointly designed shirts that will be used by the association’s members to present a unified image at public events.

The shirts will first be used on Saturday, April 24, 2022 at the 2nd Neuensteiner Baby- & Kindersachenbasar. The bazaar will take place from 10:00 to 13:00 am (CEST) in the Mehrzweckhalle in Obergeis. More information is available on the Facebook page of the Förderverein.

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